Terms of Use for LOLLAPALOOZA BERLIN Internet site

1. Introduction

These Terms of Use shall apply to the use of these internet site (“Lollapalooza Berlin”) provided by FRHUG Festival GmbH & Co. KG („FRHUG“). By accessing and using these FRHUG Internet Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If there is anything you do not understand, please feel free to email any enquiry to us at contact@lollapaloozade.com. FRHUG reserves the right to discontinue or change the Internet Site in whole or in part at its own discretion and without advance notice.

2. Privacy Policy

We would also like to make you aware of our Privacy Policy and advise you to read it. In this policy, FRHUG describes the collection, processing and use of your personal information.

3. Your account at www.lollapaloozade.com

To use FRHUG Internet Sites, you need to open a customer account. To do this, you must register once using the corresponding online registration form available on www.lollapaloozade.com by entering your correct name, address and e-mail address as well as a user name and password of your choice. Once you have registered, we will e-mail a link to you to confirm your registration. You will then be able to use this login information (e-mail address/username and password) to log on to www.lollapaloozade.com. You must treat your login information confidentially, not disclose it to any third parties and store it such that third parties are not able to gain knowledge of it, even accidentally. Furthermore, you must not allow any third parties to use your customer account by giving them your login information. Should you have reason to believe that third parties are aware of your login information, or that it has been abused, you must inform us of this fact immediately, in writing or via e-mail. As a matter of principle, you shall be held liable for any and all activities carried out using your customer account, unless you are not responsible for the abuse of your customer account because you did not violate your duty of care. You can use the “Forgot password” feature at www.lollapaloozade.com to request that a password for your FRHUG account be sent to you.

In registering, you accept that all of the data you have provided is correct and complete. Should the data you have provided change after you have registered, you must modify your customer account information yourself without undue delay.

Should you not use your customer account for a period of more than one (1) year, we reserve the right to cancel your registration. You may also request that your customer account be deleted or blocked at any time. We will then delete or block your data in accordance with legal regulations.


4. Use of this FRHUG Internet Site

The use of this FRHUG Internet Site is exclusively for private purposes. You are obliged to only use the material on this website to gain information on events or promotions. Use of the FRHUG Internet Site beyond these limitations is only possible if you have obtained express permission from FRHUG.

You must keep all personal access data to the FRHUG Internet Sites (such as your personal password, etc.) confidential and must immediately inform FRHUG if you become aware of or suspect any unauthorised use of your user account. In such cases, you also remain liable for the unauthorised use of the FRHUG Internet Sites, unless you are not responsible for the abuse of your customer account because you did not violate your duty of care. All declarations of intent submitted under your password or access data may be valid both for and against you in accordance with the applicable law.

The user is obliged not to use any Internet bot or web crawler software or to try by any other means (automatically or manually) to monitor or copy these FRHUG Internet Sites and their content. You are also obliged not to disrupt the proper functioning of these FRHUG Internet Sites in any way whatsoever and particularly not by means of deliberately overloading the system infrastructure of FRHUG.

FRHUG shall pursue and take reasonable steps under civil and criminal law against any illegal and/or unauthorised use of these FRHUG Internet Site.


5. Details of Events

FRHUG provides information about events on its FRHUG Internet Site, i.e. the event location, start time and content. However, we recommend that you check regularly for up-to-date details of the event, as changes to events are sometimes necessary.


6. Liability, Compensation

In the event of the loss of life, bodily harm or harm to health that is based on a deliberate or negligent breach of duty by FRHUG or a deliberate or negligent breach of duty by one of its legal representatives or vicarious agents, FRHUG is liable according to the legal provisions.

For other damages, the following applies:

  1. For damages which are based on a grossly negligent breach of duty by FRHUG or a deliberate or grossly negligent breach of duty by one of its legal representatives or vicarious agents, FRHUG is liable according to the legal provisions.
  2. For damages which are based on the breach of fundamental contractual obligations as a result of simple negligence by FRHUG, the legal representatives or the vicarious agents of FRHUG, FRHUG’s liability is limited to the foreseeable loss which is typical for such contracts and which does not go beyond the value of the item being sold.
  3. Claims for damages for other losses in the event of the breach of ancillary obligations or non-fundamental obligations in the case of simple negligence are excluded.

The exclusions or restrictions of liability do not apply if FRHUG has fraudulently not disclosed a defect or has given a written guarantee of quality. The provisions of the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz) remain unaffected.

Your claim to reimbursement of futile expenses instead of the compensation claim in lieu of performance remains unaffected by the aforementioned provisions.


7. Breaches of Obligations by Third Parties

FRHUG undertakes no liability, going beyond that laid down in clause 7, for acts, omissions or other dealings of third party users of these FRHUG Internet Sites.

FRHUG may also provide links to other websites or resources. You acknowledge and agree that FRHUG is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and do not endorse and are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. FRHUG has no influence on such external websites and resources.

FRHUG is not responsible for the products, services and other acts and omissions at the event location to the extent they are not under FRHUG s control.

However, users can inform FRHUG of the misconduct of other users, advertising partners and other contractual partners of FRHUG via contact@lollapaloozade.com. FRHUG reserves the right to pursue such claims and take any steps at its own discretion, but is under no obligation to do so.


8. Intellectual Property

The content of these FRHUG Internet Sites, especially the FRHUG logos, design and all other trademarks, logos and artwork on these FRHUG Internet Site are protected by FRHUG and its business partners as registered or used trademarks or are protected by applicable copyright laws. Each of these trademarks, logos or artwork may only be reproduced or otherwise used with the express written permission of FRHUG or its relevant business partner. The same applies to all content and software of these FRHUG Internet Sites that is exclusively the intellectual property of FRHUG and is protected by copyright.


9. Applicable Law

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany excluding its provisions on conflict of laws (IPR) and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) shall apply exclusively.

 10. Final Provisions

If one or more provisions in these Terms of Use is or becomes invalid, the remainder of these Terms of Use shall remain valid and the validity of the contract shall not be affected.

Valid as at: 09 March 2022